My Travelogue

I travel a lot since young. Having been raised by my army father, his vocation has never left me feel settled in one place. When I was studying I backpack across Europe and South East Asia either on my own or with a couple of friends. Yes, for an Asian Muslim, I’m considered brave and adventurous to do that. I love people, so I don’t fear differences nor am I judgemental of lifestyle. That allows me to adapt well to situations and faces. When I got married in 2005, life has sort of domesticated me in Kuala Lumpur in which I can finally called “home” but I’m also lucky that my husband has a taste for travel too. So we’ll make sure that every year we’ll get somewhere, at least. Now that I have a baby, I want her to share my passion. These are accounts of what I remembered which I compiled them in another site.

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